You are who you are for a reason and everything that you live for is to fulfil an intricate part of creation. You are essential in life and this is un – negotiable, you have a vital plan to play in bringing about the desired change you want around you.
Immediately after your birth, you automatically embarked on a mission and this mission is not an option. Yes, every individual was made for a reason. Nothing matters more that knowing the very reason for which you were created and nothing can compensate for not knowing it – not success, wealth, fame, or pleasure. Knowing your purpose in life is the first major step in living a fulfilled life, another vital step is having the right things(s) driving your life. Your very existence is directed towards achieving a particular goal and you need to be driven by the things which have substance and can lead to the place of destiny. Searching deep into the lives of many, the chauffeur of their lives are the wrong things which makes them chase shadows and live their lives for the wrong reasons. For example, a good number of people have their basic motive for success as envy and jealousy.
Because of the ugly past some people have, they seem to be held captive by these memories and allow their past to control their future. In a bid to run away from regret, they end up hiding in shame. An individual in this situation will end up being in that state of shame, refusing to take a bold step to walk out of that state and progress in life. He ends up being limited to his situation, held bound by self – pity, blaming others for his mishaps and remaining a low – life forever. Being driven by guilt can be likened to a car that was badly crushed but with some repairs can be brought to life again. Leaving that car in a battered state brings an end to the use of the car, but taking a step to repair bounces the car back to fulfil the manufacturer’s purpose. Although it was utterly battered, had a lot of bruises and looked like the end had come, but because it was made for a reason, it was brought back to the state it should be, a better one. We are products of our past, not prisoner to it.
Fear is a self imposed prison that will hold you bound from fulfilling your purpose. It is falsified evidence affecting your reason for living and it also appears as frequent exaggerations altering the realities of life. Many people find it very challenging to face their fears. While just a few fight their faces, many run away from them. Life is not a bed of roses. Anyone battling with fear should inculcate the attitude of a lion who despite surrounded by a large number of his prey never says that it would not chase after one because it is afraid the others will attack. Fear should be fought against with boldness and an assurance that you can raise up beyond the fears. It is sad that when you run away from a fight, be assured that you are coming back to engage in the same fight again. Do not be afraid to take up that risk, do not be afraid of what people might think of you, do not be afraid of the hurdles on your way to success because you have the power to scale them. You have to believe that you can make it, YES, YOU CAN. Behind that great and mighty fear is your success, just face it and fight it. Remember that a plane does not fly with the wind; it flies against it, so when those fears come standing against your way just gather strength, courage and boldness from that very essence of your purpose in life and fight head – on against them. When you take up the challenge to face them, you will become stronger and ready to go all the way to become the best of you.
For many people the desire to acquire is the entire goal of their lives. A man who is driven by the fact that he wants to be recognized as the wealthiest man on earth would end up wearing himself out and he would have lost many things in life. Fulfillment in life is not measured by how much you acquire in your life time but the impact you made with the potentials deposited in you. You can only impress with your wealth, looks, fame but you can only make impact by the substance in you and this is a primary function of the purpose you were created for. A story was said of a man who in a quest to acquire wealth centered his education around the requirements for an oil company. He was firmly footed in the oil sector, amassed great wealth and was living a good life. One day, he was watching a documentary on the poor state of health of his nation and it dawned on him that he ought to have lived his life centered around improving the health system of his nation. Tears of regrets ran down his cheeks, he began to recount the very few impact he made with the wealth he had and he discovered he would have done much more if he was a medical practitioner. Yes, he had wealth fame but on his dying bed, he said to his family members, “how I wish I had lived in my purpose and left giant footprints in the lives of many battling with health issues and not chasing after wealth that I cannot carry into the grave”.
Apart from the desire to get wealth, our own personal career goals can stand in the way of fulfilling the purpose the Almighty created us for. A vivid example is a greatly acclaimed man of God who was at the verge of becoming the youngest professor of mathematics in Africa was called to do the work of God which he reluctantly accepted, now he has become a medium through which millions of lives have been blessed and is the 100th most influential person in the world.
In order to get a nod of approval from parents, spouse and peers, some people get driven in the wrong directions. Take a look at a child who just to fulfil the desires of his parent struggles through the university doing a course he was not supposed to do and ends up a failure when he could have done the course he was made for and pass excellently. Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it. Everyone has a unique path for his life, do not go out of place just to please people, you will be the one to lose. The people you are trying to satisfy will be happy but you will end up in sadness and regrets. One key failure is to try to please everyone.
All the aforementioned factors and many more all lead to unused potentials, unnecessary stress and an unfulfilled life.
What drives any individual to the place of destiny is the very essence for which he is living – PURPOSE. Once you discover the very reason of your existence, you will be guided and driven by them to live a fulfilled life. A journey through life without purpose is like a ship on an ocean without an anchor, adrift here and there in the ocean. Without purpose, life is motion without meaning, activity without direction, events without reason. Leave purpose out of your life and it becomes trivial, petty and pointless.
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